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Monthly creative projects that empower kids to inspire social change.
Each month provides a new lesson on a specific social issue,
and includes all the tools necessary to discover your own creative superpowers to inspire social change. #makearipple
Subscriptions cost as little as $24.99/month.

Delivered monthly!
Choose your subscription length. Orders made by the 5th of the month will ship around the 21st of the month.
Learn about important social issues!
Each box includes a lesson on a specific social issue, resources, art supplies, and a step-by-step guide to help kids complete a creative social action project.
Raise your voice + make a ripple!
Use the creative social action project as a tool to help spark real-life conversations with friends, family, and neighbors to help inspire change.



It's a big, big world out there with so many people — over seven and a half billion, to be exact, and it keeps growing! Some times that can make us feel really small and insignificant. And we find ourselves asking, Who am I to try and make a difference? How can I make an impact? I'm just one person.
But experience has taught us that a single person can actually make a significant difference. In fact, the biggest way you can make a difference is by influencing the people around you.

ripple effect [ˈripəl əˌfekt] (noun) the continuing and spreading results of an event or action; a series of consequences caused by a single action or event.

We created VoiceBox so that our own kids would have a creative way to learn about and participate in important social issues. We also wanted to teach our kids that our every day actions can inspire others. That one tiny little action can help create a tidal wave of impact — that small things can add up to big change.
VoiceBox is our tiny action — our creative way to #makearipple.